Cajun Home by Raymond Bial (Illustrator)
In a smooth text and serenely composed color photographs, Bial relates the history and the spirit of the Cajun people. Their long struggle began when they left the
northern coastal regions of France in 1632 for the religious and political freedoms of the New World. After being expelled from Canada by the British in 1755 and
scattered throughout the American colonies, several hundred Acadian refugees made their way to the backwaters of Louisiana. Isolated from the English-speaking
population, the Cajuns into the text. A bibliography and a recipe for jambalaya are also included. Martin's Quest (hardcover) Martin's Quest (paperback) by Diane Marquart Moore
Several of Martin Romeros Chitimacha and Cajun ancestors were traiteurs or healers. One had even been murdered because of this gift of healing. In this story for young adult
readers, Martins Grandmother Eulalie tells him he has the gift to heal and he must learn to use it wisely. Set along Bayou Teche in south Louisiana, the story weaves Martins school
life, where he learns to be proud of his heritage, with a troubled home life. A pirogue race tests Martins belief in himself. This coming of age story draws from contemporary life and the rich culture of the Teche area
Tah-Tye : The Last Possum in the Pouch by Mary Alice Fontenot, Scott R. Blazek (Illustrator)
A shy opossum, loathe to leave his mother's pouch, finally learns to take care of himself amidst the dangers of his Louisiana swamp.
Bonfire Christmas : A Cajun Holiday Tradition
by Pamela Folse Stories of a cajun tradition, lighting a bonfire so Papa Noel can find his way to all the cajun houses
Cajun Alphabet by James Rice
In this new full-color volume, Gaston, the friendly green-nosed alligator makes a new appearance and in the process provides the setting for an intriguing and practical lesson
in Cajun French. Along with Rice's striking illustrations, a glossary of essential Cajun words is provided.
Lettres Acadiennes : A Cajun ABC by Don Goodrum
Singsong rhymes with delightfully rhythmic alliteration and color illustrations of children's favorite animals teach young ones the sounds, words, and phrases of the mixture of
languages called "Cajun," letter by letter, with plenty of activities on each page.
Why Alligator Hates Dog : A Cajun Folktale
by J. J. Reneaux, Donnie Green (Illustrator) When sassy old Dog tricks Alligator, king of the swamps, it starts a feud that continues to this day in the Louisiana bayous.
Cajun Stories My Granpa Tole Me
by Tommy Joe Breaux, Dominicus Maters (Illustrator)
Growing Up in Crawfish Country : A Cajun Childhood (Growing Up in America)
by Karen Gravelle, Sylviane Diouf |